
From 9am until noon

At Gibson Center, North Conway

This free workshop, hosted by the Gibson Center for Senior Services and MWV Citizens for Energy
Efficient Communities will present attendees with an opportunity to:

-Learn How to Save Energy in Your Home
-Tips for Do-it-Yourself Energy Saving Projects
-Tips about Air Sealing and Insulating Your Basement, Walls and Attic
-Gain a Better Understanding of Building Science
-Learn about the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program

The program will be led by Gil Richardson, owner of Empowered Answers, LLC, and building analyst. Gil has lived off grid with solar PV panels for over 15 years and is the co-founder of NH Sustainable Energy Association.


Registration opens at 9am; program begins at 9:30am. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, visit MyEnergyPlan.net for dates and locations of all Button Ups.
Workshops are organized by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, (PAREI). Questions or
inquiries call 603-536-5030.