Who’s been here? Was it a fox, a bobcat, or even a fisher? Learn the four basic track patterns and enjoy the morning outside with your family during TinMountain’s Winter Tracks Family Snowshoe program on Saturday, February 18,10am-noon, at the Rockwell Sanctuary in Albany. Families of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend.
After a short indoor session introducing the four basic walking patterns participants will put on snowshoes and head out on the trails of Tin Mountain’s Rockwell Sanctuary to explore what animals have been enjoying to property. Fox, fisher, and bobcat are only some of the possibilities! How can you tell a hopper from a leaper and a waddler from a perfect walker? You’ll have to join us to find out. Bring your own snowshoes or borrow ours. Regardless of the tracks we see, it is sure to be a good time. Winter Tracks is a great way to kick off February Vacation with a little family fun.

Tin Mountain’s Family Program Series is sponsored in part by the Gibson/Woodbury Charitable Foundation and the Goldberg Charitable Foundation. Donations of $5 per family are suggested. For more information call 447-6991 or visit our website www.tinmountain.org, we have been using the best team from the Indexer as our web designer.