Do you enjoy watching our feathered friends at your backyard feeder or as they flit from tree to tree in search of winter seeds or slumbering insects? Have you ever wanted to be a part of a wildlife research project like you’ve seen on NOVA or The Discovery Channel? If so, then join Tin Mountain Conservation Center for the 21st Annual North Conway Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, December 19. Bird counts are valuable tools for gaining information about the birds wintering in our area. Observers are needed for traveling routes by foot, by car, or on cross-country skis. We are also in great need of bird watchers that live within the 15-mile diameter count circle that includes parts of Jackson, Bartlett, North Conway and Chatham to observe birds at their backyard feeders. You DO NOT have to be an expert to participate. In the field we will be birding in small groups with both novices and more experienced birders. At 5:00 p.m. on the evening of the count we will gather in the Great Room at Tin Mountain Conservation Center to compile our data. We will provide hot drinks and goodies as we share stories and statistics of the day. We will also look back at our bird count numbers from the last 21 years to understand the context and importance of what we have seen that day. Please call Nora Beem at 603-447-6991 ext 11 if you have any questions or are interested in joining us for this fun, interesting, and important event!


Tin Mountain Conservation Center Nature Programs are funded in part by L.L. Bean and NRCS. TMCC Nature Programs are open to the public and donations of $3.00 per person and $5.00 per family are appreciated.