
From 7pm

At Nature Learning Center

Considering Climate Change in Land Conservation: Where to Work and What to Do

Classroom session: Thursday, May 31, 7pm, TMCC

Field session: Saturday, June 2, 9am-noon, Meet at the Maine Visitors Center on Rt 302

Have you ever thought about how the changing climate may influence land conservation? Have you heard of “climate adaptation” or “climate resilience” and wondered what they mean for conservation work in particular? In this 2-part program, Erika Rowland of USVLT, Nick Fisichelli of the Schoodic Institute, and forester Dan Stepanauskus, will discuss how certain conservation easements contribute to climate resilience and what role climate change adaptation may play in the future management of this and other conservation lands. The evening program will be followed by an exploration of one of USVLT conservation easements. Participants do not to need to attend both program, but are encouraged to!